Location select not working in IE11 / Firefox

SupportLocation select not working in IE11 / Firefox
mario_ruthmair Staff asked 6 years ago
Hi Nikola, we have version 2.5.5 installed, use the boostrap responsive layout, and have a problem with the dropdown box for selecting the location: in Chrome, Edge (also on Android and iOS) the dropdown box is working fine but on Firefox and IE11 the dropdown box does not appear when clicking on it. In IE11 it works when clicking several times on the arrow but the behaviour does not seem to be normal. Here is our wordpress website with your plugin installed: http://tierenergie.at/termin-vereinbaren/ Does it have something to do with the style files? Mario
4 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Mario, I will have to check that, thanks for reporting. Can you please tell me is there any error in console of FF or IE on that page? Best regards, Nikola
mario_ruthmair Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Nikola, the only thing I can see in the FF console is the following message when loading the page:
Source map error: request failed with status 404 
Resource URL: http://tierenergie.at/wp-content/plugins/easy-appointments/components/bootstrap/ea-css/bootstrap.css?ver=2.5.5
Source Map URL: bootstrap.css.map
When clicking on the dropdown box, no message appears in the console.
It looks like as if the field is just "marked" since it changes its color to dark. In IE, I get the following message:
HTML1508: Unmatched end tag
But also already when loading the page. Clicking on the field shows a frame around it with which I can change the size of the field, like an "edit mode"? Best regards,
mario_ruthmair Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Nikola, it seems that the problem is solved now.
In the wordpress "visual editor" it was not visible that we (somehow) put the [ea_bootstrap ...] entry inside of some kind of block structure. Moving it outside of this block made things working! My take-away: Never use visual code editors again! Best regards,
mario_ruthmair Staff replied 6 years ago

typo: “… that we (somehow) put the ea_bootstrap entry …”

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Mario thanks for the update :) Best regards, Nikola