DB Duplicates in GCal integration

SupportDB Duplicates in GCal integration
esteban_alvarez Staff asked 5 years ago
Hi,  I have realized that my production environment have a lot of duplicates while fetch events from GCal... Every 5 min (cron schedule) it's created a new set of duplicates... I have cloned the environment into localhost and I can't reproduce the issue... Why? Thanks in advance
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, are those events creates on Google Calendar first or from EA. Also keep in mind that if you put users email same as Calendar owner it will create one Event for him as creator and one as invited person. Are all events duplicated or some? Best regards, Nikola
esteban_alvarez Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Nikola,

Thanks for your quick answer. All events are continuosly duplicated. Those events are created on Gcal… I use Gcal as primary scheduler (phone appointments) for my clinic. I have configured EA Connect to take back events for the next 60 days… So, if for example there are 130 events in the query… Every 5 minutes,130 new rows are created in appointments table in database… so I’m in charge of clean db almost everyday.

I suppose this is not the normal run of plugin,… but i can’t find my misconfiguration… Please, help me.


michael_hofmeister Staff replied 5 years ago

I think it was more helpful to post screenshots from following:

1. Settings on EA
2. GCal Calendar
3. EA Connections GCal settings

I have no duplications and the cron will start every 5 Minutes and will sync GCal and GCal will Sync every 5 minutes to Outlook 😀