A few bugs to report
Hi Nikola,
the additional “MMmmM” appear after the date and hour in the recap which appears when the form is filled out completely:
Vérifier votre rendez-vous ci-après et confirmez :
Lieu CityName
Prestation ServiceName
Praticien Name
Prix 60.00€
Date et horaire 15 July 2017 8 hh 00 MMmmM
Best regards
Hi I still have the same issue with French translation regarding the date and hour of the booking in the overview : Ex : Date et horaire | 25 septembre 2018 12 hh 30 MMmmM
Does anyone have managed to solve this problem ?
Thanks !
well, if you set “H:i” in hour format in wordpress settings, it solves the problem.
Thanks for the update, I will investigate why there is such issue on French translation.
Best regards,
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Please ignore my last question in the report above. I applied some filters so that not all appointments were shown… 🙂