What does ‘one year of updates’ mean?

SupportWhat does ‘one year of updates’ mean?
iheavy Staff asked 5 years ago
Hello everyone,
Can someone please explain:
  • What does ‘one year of updates’ mean? (STARTER $39)
    As I understand for one year I will get plugin updates.
    But. Will I be able to continue using all extensions after 1 year aswell?
  • Twilio SMS integration. For this option I have to pay Twilio extra fee or its free with plugin? And is SMS working worldwide?
1 Answers
Best Answer
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi, updated will be there for a year. You will be able to use it after that if there are no breaking changes from Google/Twilio etc. So from our side you can use it after that period. Regarding Twilio you will have to create account there and pay for SMS traffic. Best regards, Nikola
iheavy Staff replied 5 years ago
