form redirection with parameter

Supportform redirection with parameter
chiara Staff asked 4 years ago
Hello, is there a way to pass a parameter to the page I want to redirect to? I've configured the page in settings - go to page. I need to pass a parameter like this /mypage/?name=#name# I'd like to do that like in mail notification with the tags #name# or #id# etc. I'm new and I don't know if it can be done.   Thank you Chiara
1 Answers
Max123 Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello Chiara, 

I had the same need on another project, so I share my code with you : 

Add this to a custom plugin of your own or in function.php file
function URLParam( $atts ) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'param' => 'param',
), $atts ) );

//two different values for action parameter :
return '<span style="border:1px solid #00FE00 ;padding:0 5px;background-color:#E5FEE5;">Merci pour votre confiance</span><br/><br/>';
}else if ($_GET[$param]==='cancel'){
return '<span style="color:red;border:1px solid red;padding:0 5px;background-color:#F9D8D8;">Votre transaction a été <b>annulée</b></span><br/><br/>';
return; //return 'Cas non traité : '. $_GET[$param];
add_shortcode('URLParam', 'URLParam');

Then edit the destination page within Wordpress editor and add this : 

[URLParam param='action']

Now you can redirect to this page with some action parameter, like : paypal/?action=ok

In the above case a nice green message should be displayed "Merci pour votre confiance" (Thank you for you trust)

Edit the above code to your needs. 

Hope this helps.