No buttons showing on front end

SupportNo buttons showing on front end
David Cox asked 4 years ago
Hello Nikola I now presume I am auto logged into the support forum as previous message is showing in the forum. 
Anyway as you are already aware, I have installed the latest version of the extension plugin and when installed no buttons are showing on the front end. When I uninstall the ‘submit and cancel’ buttons return to the front end. When re-installing extension plugin the same thing happens again, no buttons. I have the latest versions of the plugins installed, I created application via PayPal and cannot see any obvious reasons for why there should be no buttons showing on the front end? 
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi David buttons should show only when you select time slot in latest version? Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi David, we have located issues if there are optimisation JS plugin working beside EA. This will be fixed within next 24h. Best regards, Nikola