Problem with redirection after appointment
Yes I’m using woo commerce.
But my question is if the user don’t do pay then the appointment shouldn’t confirm right?
Yes exactly that is what I’m looking for and how you are going to handle free appointments?
Can you do the checkout within WooCommerce with price $0? If that is the case then it will work fine for both cases.
Best regards,
Please provide me this solution ASAP.
It’s not possible to stop redirection in case of free?
Is it possible to add woocomarce product internal while adding service?
Thank You,
Hi, you want to block redirect in case of 0$. It will be added in next version.
Best regards,
Hello Nikola,
What about this following If I will update plug-in I will get this now?
“We can try to add pending reservation when customer fill and confirm and after paying with WooCommerce to move that to confirm”
Thank You,
Hi Kishan,
yes that will be part of new version also.
Best regards,
Thank you
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