Change background colour for full calendar popup

SupportChange background colour for full calendar popup
Richard_UK Staff asked 4 years ago
Hi,   I have been experimenting with the ea-full-calendar widget as an overview of bookings but when i select an entry the popup window has the site background colour, very dark grey with black text which is almost unreadable. Is there any way to change this? You can see what I am describing from this screenshot:
Richard_UK Staff replied 4 years ago

Sorry was temporarily distracted other relevant info:
Easy Appointments 3.4.12, PhP 7.4, WP 5.7



Richard_UK Staff replied 4 years ago

I also forgot to mention that the title for the popup is shown as booking unber followed by undefined as shown in the image,


4 Answers
Richard_UK Staff answered 4 years ago
Link to screenshot:
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Richard, looks like theme style has overlapped with EA. If you share the link to that page I can see what needs to be added to EA Settings. Best regards, Nikola
Richard_UK Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Nikola,

Thanks for your help, the link is

Best Regards,


Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Richard, just add this to EA Settings > Custom styles :
#TB_ajaxContent .wp-block-code { background-color: #fff; border: none }
In this case background is white (#fff) but you can put any HEX color that you want. Also I have set in that example no border. Best regards, Nikola
Richard_UK Staff replied 4 years ago

Thanks Nikola,
That seems to work. Any idea why it is saying undefined in the popup dialogs title?

Best Regards,


Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi Richard, please open EA Settings and find custom form field section. There for each field when you open have value called slug. Copy one and paste it inside short code as attribute like this: [[ea_full_calendar title_field="slug_paste_value"]]

Best regards,

Richard_UK Staff replied 4 years ago
