Has something happned with Timezone recognition in a recent build?

SupportHas something happned with Timezone recognition in a recent build?
Richard_UK Staff asked 4 years ago
Hi, I'm not exactly sure when it started but only just noticed it because I was checking when someone had submitted a booking. I do know it was correct in the past (before Christmas).when we were last taking bookings as I had done similar checks then. I can see in WordPress from the general settings that my timezone is correct and it is reporting the correct time in it's preview. So i created a test booking to confirm and the test email has a creation time of the booking of 12:05:51 I received the email about a minute after I created the booking 20:06 (which was the correct local time in the UK). The server timezone is MST (which has always been the case and can't be changed as it's shared hosting) which seems to be what is being reported in the email rather than the WordPress / PHP timezone. Regards, Richard