Reserve a time slot with 2 workers in the same location

SupportReserve a time slot with 2 workers in the same location
Silviu S. asked 7 years ago
Hello, There are 2 workers in the same location, and they provide different types of services. If I make an appointment for ex. at 12.00 for a service provided by worker 1, then the callendar will show that 12.00 oclock is reserved. But if i select a service provided by worker 2 in the same loction, after doing the reservation for worker 1, then 12.00 will not show as reserved, it will show as available. What can I do to resolve this problem? Thank you! Silviu
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Silviu, you will need to switch Worker and Location within settings. So treat Location as Worker and vise versa. Best regards, Nikola