Can the block days be extended to miinutes also?

SupportCan the block days be extended to miinutes also?
CellDigital Staff asked 4 years ago
Hi, I t would be handy to extend the global block for minutes also so that we could block all Monday morning for instance. Currently we need to creat 2 connections with Tues-Sun all day and then Mon pm connection also. Of course I could be missing a simple way to do this but currently I have 65 Employees that work from 10:00 to 19:00 every day except for Monday AM every week x 6 Services. So a lot of Conections to set up and then add the Monday AM exception also for each Service.

TIA Phil
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Phil, yes that is a lot of combinations between employees and services. Are working hours same for all? Best regards, Nikola
CellDigital Staff replied 4 years ago

To explain further. This is for a care home, helping out where my mum is. The employees are the residents rooms and they wanted certain visiting times, so many are duplicates. The problem was that they needed to block out Monday mornings also which then meant added another set of availability connections to cover this.

I have made all of the required connections now but it took a while 😉

It’s working out well though. Thanks for the great plug-in.


Nikola Loncar Staff replied 4 years ago

You’re welcome Phil, we will see how to improve that part and make it a little bit more easier to setup.

Best regards,

CellDigital Staff replied 4 years ago


I guess if there were a work/not work option when setting up a connection it would be a massive help. Eg, these hrs all week but on Mondays not these hrs.



CellDigital Staff replied 4 years ago

Another idea to speed it up massively would be to assign to multiple booking types with check boxes as this would have saved me creating x 7 of the same connection.

With both of the above I would have only needed 1 master and then duplicate it 65 times, 1 for each room (employee)

