Google Calendar sync missing Description and date has no localization in SMS

SupportGoogle Calendar sync missing Description and date has no localization in SMS
stefan_wagner Staff asked 7 years ago
Very happy about your plugin and had no doubt about buying the extension. I have a couple of small issues though.  When EA is syncing appointments from Google Calendar, the description from Google Calendar appointment is not added as description in the EA appointment. When sending SMS reminders, the date is not localized as the confirmation email is. It's pretty confusing for our customers when reading 11/2 instead of 2/11, especially when they receive an email with the proper localization. The date at the confirmation notice when booking is not localized either, but at least it is in written form. Is it possible to translate the month names?
2 Answers
Best Answer
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, if you want to sync description back to EA you should have a custom field called "description". Regarding localization inside SMS you are right, there is no date localization. It will be updated by end of this week. Best regards, Nikola
stefan_wagner Staff answered 7 years ago
Thank you! In addition, I added this silly code to the Connect Plugin, to ensure that Twilio sends reminders, even if people forget to add country code.
Start your code here
if(strlen($phone) < 9){if(strlen($phone) < 9){ $phone = $prefix . $appointment[$this->phone_field]; }
  Could something more clever, and universal, perhaps be added into the plugin at a later point? Mainly to prevent my solution from being overridden when updating.