recovering connections

Supportrecovering connections
tomas_gomez Staff asked 3 years ago
Hello, for some reason all my connections have disappeared. Can you tell me if there is any backup to recover them?
5 Answers
tomas_gomez Staff answered 3 years ago
I have also restored backups to the hosting but the connections are not showing up, why is this happening?
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi, sorry for waiting. Most likely there are some issues with ids of those things services/locations/workers. Do you have any error inside browser console when you open connections page? Best regards, Nikola
tomas_gomez Staff answered 3 years ago
I don't see any apparent errors on the connections page. I would appreciate a quick response, since we paid for it at the time, and all this should not fail.
Thank you.    
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Sorry for waiting. If you have access to database on hosting you can check what is going on inside ea_connections table. Those rows should be there. If that table is empty then restore from backup was partial and you will have to add them manually. Best regards, Nikola
tomas_gomez Staff answered 3 years ago
I already had to do it manually... what I would like to know is why this happens and how to avoid it.