Calculation availability based on location AND worker
I have the following scenario:
Lets say I have 3 rooms (locations) but 4 therapists (workers). In that case I need to consider the availability of the location AND the worker to display free slots.
In addition the room shall be selected automatically but the customer shall select which therapists they want to book a visit with.
Is it possible to realize that with the current functionality?
If not I see possible solutions by new features:
- adding 3 more options to the setting "Busy slots are calculated by same" which are "Location and Service", "Location and Worker" and "Service and Worker"
- or adding an options to locations that defines a maximum number of parallel bookings.
1 Answers
Dear Nikola,
I want to purchase the plugin for integration with WooCommerce but without the functionality to make sure that worker AND location are available EA does not work for my case and I need to look for another WP plugin.
Any chance that this feature is integrated?
Kind regards,
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I had a look into the code and implemented the first of my proposed solutions above.
I added 3 options to the setting “Busy slots are calculated by same”. But the logic inverted.
To get the slot where e.g. worker and location is available the busy calculation considers a slot busy if worker OR location has an appointment for the time slot.
I tested that successfully on my instance and I would like to contribute the code. What do I need to do?