Google syncs issue with invitation/guests

SupportGoogle syncs issue with invitation/guests
Fanny asked 3 years ago
Hi, I just install the plugin to synchronize google agenda. It works great with Google Calendar from EA but I can't have the other way -> no appointement done in Google Calendar appear to be busy in my wordpress. Even my log is break (error network), is there a way to debug ?
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi Fanny, you need to add advance sync options inside EA Extension settings. There select which Google Calendar will sync with Service/Location/Worker combination. Without that it will not sync from Google Calendar because EA don't know where to file those events. Best regards, Nikola
fanny_charentenay Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi, in my EA calendar I have only one location, and one employee,  so I put this on settings : "Busy slots are calculated by same : " I try on location or on employee and it's not working. So in my Google calendar, I have put my  default 's location on this one, but is not working. Where do I miss something ? Thank you for your help Best regards  
fanny_charentenay Staff replied 3 years ago

Ok, so I tried again there was a problem with my token. Now all the event from Google Calendar appear in mu back-office, but not in my front page, with my shortcode :
[ea_bootstrap location="1" worker="1" width="100%"]
I only see the appointements made by this way, with slot busy, but no one appointment from Google Agenda are looking busy here.
I’m very disapointed, if you could answered, I will have to choose another plugin, and a refund.
I’m waiting for your help, thanks.

Best regards

fanny_charentenay Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi, so I think I found bug :
– I made again token (key was broken after some saving issue, weird…),
– I made the domain authentifcation,
– and I create a new calendar on google, because the default calendar appeared but not like busy slot when I tried to reserved an appointment on front.

Now it’s working.
Best regards