Easy Appointments Connect Update Problem (0.15.4 to 0.16.0)

SupportEasy Appointments Connect Update Problem (0.15.4 to 0.16.0)
Jared_P Staff asked 3 years ago
I'm trying to update the Easy Appointments Connect add-on and am running into issues. I'm positive that it's a permissions issue. I have switched my site from extremely slow shared hosting to a much faster VULTR high-frequency server instance and have also done so following Andrew Eaton's course The Perfect Nginx Server - Ubuntu Edition. This course focuses partially on hardening the server and WordPress to protect your site. The update isn't mission critical at this point in time, however, I do like to keep plug-ins and add-ons up to date. Would anyone know which permissions on which files would be required to perform this update? Thank you!
4 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi, can you please paste the message what you get when you try to update? Best regards, Nikola
Jared_P Staff answered 3 years ago
That's the interesting thing, I don't get a error message. It appears that it updated successfully, even saying so. If I go to another page or refresh the page the same message comes saying that an update is available. A picture is probably better, but am unable to load one here. Here is a link to a page that displays exactly what I'm seeing using pictures. Update-Error Page
Jared_P Staff replied 3 years ago

These are the permissions that my most of my directories and files have on my server, illustrating it with a script that I normally run after installing or updating plug-ins, etc. Of course, SITE.COM is only an illustration here, it is my actual domain in the script on my site.

sudo chown -R drpost:www-data /var/www/SITE.COM/public_html/
sudo find /var/www/SITE.COM/public_html/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
sudo find /var/www/SITE.COM/public_html/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
sudo find /var/www/SITE.COM/public_html/wp-content/ -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
sudo find /var/www/SITE.COM/public_html/wp-content/ -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;

The wp-config.php file is set to 664 when installing or updating security/cache plug-ins, however. These permissions I am starting to understand, however, being a 100% Windows user prior to this it is a little difficult to grasp this concept fully.

Jared_P Staff answered 3 years ago
I did download the file that WordPress pointed me to when trying to update via Dashboard > Updates. I attempted to update EA Connect but doing so it produced an error saying that the version is the same as the one already installed. I opened the file main.php from the apparent update zip file and it contains this line: define( 'EA_CONNECT_VERSION', '0.15.4' );. So, my conclusion is that:
  • 0.16.0 is not a current update (although it appears that it actually is),
  • the update file contains an error at the line mentioned above in main.php or
  • the WordPress update system is pointing to the incorrect file?
Not sure what the actual answer is, however, or if I'm way off base like when I thought it was a permissions issue. Thanks again!
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 3 years ago

Fixed with latest update, thanks for reporting 🙂

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi, you are right. Old version string was in that file. It will be fixed with simple version bump 0.16.1 just to allow override of current file. Best regards, Nikola