2nd appointment not added to Woocommerce cart

Support2nd appointment not added to Woocommerce cart
ann_jastrab Staff asked 3 years ago
I've had one appointment working for over a year now. Booking a time required payment, and adding the product to the Woocommerce cart. It works fine. No problems. Just added a new appointment, with a new worker on a new day. Copied the settings directly  from the one above, but changed the dates. It seems to work (field filled in, emails sent, reservation recorded), but when redirected to the Woocommerce cart, as usual, the cart is empty.  The product is not added. Any suggestions?
2 Answers
ann_jastrab Staff answered 3 years ago
Found the issue: I needed to add the connection, using Easy Appoinments/Connect(BETA).  The WooCommerce is section of the documentation is not clear on HOW to do it. It just says "you need to connect the product", but should say "First, using Easy Appoinments/Connect(BETA), make sure the product is connected to Easy Appts."
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 3 years ago
Hi, thanks for update :) yes you need connections for each new service that you are putting in. Mapping between Woo product and EA service. Best regards, Nikola