Calendar not showing on phones

SupportCalendar not showing on phones
RogerS Staff asked 2 years ago

I have recently updated all plugins and am using Elementor with Hello theme. The Full Calendar does not display on iphone or android. All I see is the STATUS bar that appears at the bottom of the calendar.  Here's the shortcode I am using
[[ea_full_calendar default_view="basicWeek" worker="1" show_remaining_slots="1"]]
This worked until I updated.

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi RogerS, can you please try opening this page and tell me if you can see calendar on your phone Best regards, Nikola
RogerS Staff replied 2 years ago

Yes it shows on my phone.

RogerS Staff replied 2 years ago

I have tried putting the shortcode into both the shortcode widget and into an html widget and neither shows on a phone.

RogerS Staff replied 2 years ago

Can you help me with this. It seems strange that the booking shortcode works fine on mobile. It’s just the full calendar that won’t display on mobile (tablet or phone)/