New reservations are disappearing

SupportNew reservations are disappearing
erica_cody Staff asked 2 years ago
Hello everyone, I’ve been using and enjoying so much your application, however since last week some of my reservations are simply disappearing from my appointment list. Does anybody have faced this bug?

Important saying that the emails are being sent to my clients, and I myself too receive them, nonetheless after a while they do not appear on my appointment list anymore.
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi Erica, do you use Google Calendar sync? Best regards, Nikola
erica_cody Staff replied 2 years ago

I have attached screenshot

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 2 years ago

Hi, can you please connect your WP to system scheduler on your hosting. There is warning message that Cron execution is not stable.

Best regards,

mateusz_tondos Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi Erica, Hi Nikola, We have the same problem, although we totally disabled 2-way sync removing default location and service. My client wants to break the contract, as all their clients got events cancelled twice :( Apparently the events are being cancelled in EA every Tuesday. Any ideas?  We bought EA Connect ~3 weeks ago, not sure how to check the version.   Best, Mateusz
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi Material, Can you please check Google Console settings for App that is used for connecting with EA. It should be set to be in production mode instead of testing. Best regards, Nikola