Auto reservation – the form is locked so unable to enter customer details after the timeslot selection

SupportAuto reservation – the form is locked so unable to enter customer details after the timeslot selection
john_bizeray Staff asked 2 years ago
Hello! I just bought the paid version. WordPress 6.2, PHP 8.2.5, Easy Appointments 3.11.8, Easy Appointments Connect 0.16.1 If I select Auto reservation the form is locked so unable to enter customer details after the timeslot selection.  I bet there is another parameter that needs to be set but I cannot find it! I have read and reread the documentation (Auto reservation is mentioned 2 times) and am sure there is no answer there.  I have found no similar issues in the forum. Thanks in advance for your help!
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 2 years ago
Hi John, form should be enabled once time slot is selected. If that is not the case I would suggest to try purging the cache of that page if you are using caching engine. Best regards, Nikola
john_bizeray Staff answered 2 years ago

Hi Nikola,

Thank you for your timely reply.

Please can you clarify the exact expected behaviour of "Auto reservation"?
When an anonymous user selects a timeslot does EA automatically block the timeslot locally and on GCal for a period of 5 minutes until the booking is made. If no booking is made EA unblocks the timeslot on EA/GCal. Is that correct?

Here are the steps taken. Auto reservation still seems problematic:

I logged into WP-Admin-->Easy Appointments-->General-->Ticked Auto reservation
I cleared the cache in Chrome
Click on padlock --> Site Settings --> Clear Data (I also tried Chrome TRS Hamburger --> Settings --> Privacy and security --> Clear browsing data)
I closed the browser.

I am using a Cloudflared Tunnel for my WP instance running in my home: --> Login --> Click on Domain --> Purge cache --> Purge everything (wait 10 mins? for purge to propagate)

Browse to (Appointment booking page)
There is a spinning wheel of death over the calendar so I cannot do anything.
I logged into WP-Admin-->Easy Appointments-->General-->Unticked Auto reservation-->Save-->Tick Auto reservation-->Save
I am able to select a timeslot but not fill in my details.
I also noticed that the "Block Before" = 5 was not respected because I could select the first slot after my last appointment (synced from GCal - non EA).

From the browser where I am logged in I can select the timeslot but not fill in any details.
From a browser where I am not logged. Not OK (Spinning wheel of death)
I am unable to use the "Auto reservation" functionality.

john_bizeray Staff replied 2 years ago

I have tested another site on a static public IP without using the Cloudflare tunnel. This has overcome the difficulty of not being able to fill in details if not logged in. Presumably, this is a problem with caching on Cloudflare.