Calendar in multiple languages

SupportCalendar in multiple languages
harald_struwe Staff asked 7 years ago
I run a multisite installation, where each subsite has its own language. There is the possibility to change some of the labels, but some descriptions on the template and the buttons cannot be changed. So I end up with a mix of two languages. How can I correct this? Thanks.
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, can you please write down what is left from translations? Best regards, Nikola
harald_struwe Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Nikola,
It is the heading: “Personal Information” and “Fields with * are required”
and the heading: “Booking overview” and “I agree with terms and conditions”
as well as the buttons “Submit” and “Cancel”

Thank you.
Best regards,