prevent the user from making an appointment in the same day

Supportprevent the user from making an appointment in the same day
mohamad_khattab Staff asked 1 year ago
Hello Nikola, I have a question and i am not sure if that possible

I want to prevent the user from making an appointment for the next day when the time becomes 00:00. For example, the settings have been set to receive appointments on Thursdays and Fridays. from 10 untill 16:00. Normally, all days will be closed except for the two specified days within the specified times, and the user can make an appointment at any time since he choose one of the available options . What I want to do is; if today is 21 sep and the user wants to make an appointments for 22 of September he can make an appointment for that day until 23:59. when the clock becomes 00:00 that means it becomes the next day ( 22 sep friday in my example ) so i want to prevent the user to make an appointment on the same day. but the user can still make appointments next week for example. So it will not be possible to make appointment for 22 sep when the day starts at 00:00

is there any option can help with that?  
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 1 year ago
Hi, you can set that on calendar short code. Option for that is called min_date you can set there for example +1d etc. Best regards, Nikola