Pick only 2 weeks in datepicker
Yes, exactly…so can you set this to a feature in upcoming upgrades? Im not a developper, but i think this is not a big challenge, beacuse the reverse of this option is working (block time). By the way, i tried to set this value to negative (e.g. -14400), but it doesnt make sense… 😉
Hi Marco, sorry for waiting so long :( . It will be added in next couple of days. Thanks for reminding me.
Best regards,
ist implementiert and works well. You have to define the range in the form shortcode like this: [ea_bootstrap width="600" layout_cols="2" min_date="+1d" max_date="+4w" show_remaining_slots="1" save_form_content="1"]
Thanks Marco 🙂 that is right, you can find it inside documentation : https://easy-appointments.com/documentation/#bootstrap
Best regards,
Big thanks & big sorry… perhaps I do not read the whole documentation 😮
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