Registeration problem continues….

SupportRegisteration problem continues….
Helen asked 7 years ago
Nikola, there is no way for me to answer this thread when I am asking question as guest and not registered. And since your site doesn't register me, I don't know how to continue on this thread. So, No, nothing is spam folder either. I tried to register again with the same username and email, it says this username exists. But I haven’t received any email let alone to confirm it. So I don’t have any password either to login! Nikola, I have been trying your easy appointment plugin in the past few days. It is a great concept but I am noticing it has many flaws and technical bugs! It is not working consistent. Either I don’t see the appointments in the back end or when the same person is booked for one service, the same time slot is still available for him at another service. I found many more flaws and wanted to discuss these with you on your site. I see others had the same problems but their issue was not resolved or answered! Thanks for your attention Below is our conversation from the last thread:  --------------------------------- Hi,
I am trying to register to your site so I can ask my questions but I haven’t received any confirmation email yet so I can’t login!
Do you know if your registration works OK or not? Thanks
  1 Answers 0 Vote Up Vote Down Nikola Loncar Staff answered 13 mins ago It should work fine. Can you please tell me have you checked the spam folder? Best regards,
Nikola Nikola Loncar Staff replied 2 mins ago   Also you can try to reset your password. You should receive email. Best regards,