Stopping Local Storage of Data

SupportStopping Local Storage of Data
Brian Bollen asked 7 years ago
Hi again,   So I've continually had this problem of storing data on my site. For some reason, when the plugin stores data to be able to recall old data that the user entered in, it causes errors where the user can't select a time slot (gives the error that the time slot is already taken, which is incorrect).   This problem arises from the "ea-form-options" being stored in the local storage on the site. I would like to be able to completely turn off this feature because it is for some reason causing crazy bugs. I've tried editing the code myself, locating the code in the frontend-bootstrap.js file, but when commenting it out, nothing seems to work. In fact, the code is still found when I use the 'inspect source' tool on chrome, so I'm not really sure if my changes to the file even take any affect.   Best, Brian Bollen    
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Brian, it will be added as option in next version. Best regards, Nikola