Cancel Appointments via link in e-mail doesn't work

SupportCancel Appointments via link in e-mail doesn't work
Theo Jager Staff asked 6 years ago
I have a confirmation e-mail containing the tag #link_cancel#. The link in the e-mail points to the correct action:

Clicking this link causes the the message "Appointment is canceled" and the system sending a new confirmation e-mail (and not a cancellation e-mail).
The 'old' reservation is still available. The worker also receives a new reservation confirmation, with the default cancellation link. Clicking this link gives the message "Appointment can't be canceled". In the end I had to remove the appointment manually in the backend.

What could be wrong in my setup?

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Theo, it should only be cancellation of appointment on that link. Can you leave only #link_cancel# in template and try again? Sometimes mail server can try to open links from email. Best regards, Nikola