"-" (dash) as standard choise in service list –> can this be changed/modified?

Support"-" (dash) as standard choise in service list –> can this be changed/modified?
jocool Staff asked 6 years ago
On my frontend with the booking frontend when the user has to make a booking I get the feedback that the users overlook that they have to select a specific service in the dropdown list --> the default (when there are several services defined) is "-" (dash) --> but perhaps it could be possible to have a "label" setting for this also that you could define the default "-" instead as e.g. "Choose Service" --> this would make it more obvious that this field has to been specified from the dropdown. Perhaps similar label settings could be made for location and worker also????  
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi right now is hardcoded inside template. You can alter it by hand but after update you will have to do the same thing again. Because changes will be overwritten. I will see to put that to feature requirements list. :) Best regards, Nikola