User guide for Support forum!
Dear visitor,
there are couple of rules to follow before posting a issue or creating bug report.
- Please use search and see if there are similar issue or request
- If you can't find answer to you issue please also check FAQ page.
- You can create an issue without need to be registered to Forum but if you want to comment a issue that is already there then please open a account.
- If you are opening a bug report please provide details of environment that is used :
- WordPress version
- Plugin version
- PHP version
- Please use tags for marking topics
Best regards,
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Clarification on MultiSites.
If I have a Multisite installation.
I want to install the Easy Appointment Plugin.
If I don’t make it network active, will it work for individual sites?
Hi for multiple sites it will share the data between all sites on multisite instance.
Best regards,