Emails not sending after Canceled through GCal

SupportEmails not sending after Canceled through GCal
RI Staff asked 6 years ago
I noticed that while the GCal sync is working, when an appointment is deleted in GCal the appointment status updates to "canceled" however no email notifications are sent to the provider or customer.  Is it possible to have the "canceled" email notifications sent when the status is changed through GCal sync?
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Mike, you want to send cancelation email if event is deleted from GCal. It should work like that but I will have to check and let you know. Best regards, Nikola
Mike Staff replied 6 years ago

That function does not seem to be working with my install. Hopefully its a quick fix!

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi, Mike new version is planned by end of this week with that fix. Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

We will have to move release day by end of Monday because there are some changes with PayPal section of extension. We are adding new options there as well.

Best regards,