private message ‘no content in this loop’

Supportprivate message ‘no content in this loop’
Louis Van den Bleeken asked 6 years ago
Hello I asked a private question and Nikola answered. problem: as I click on the message to have further communication, an error ‘no content in this loop’ appears. How can I get in contact now? How do i reply tot the message now?  
5 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Louis, Maybe that topic was open when you were not logged in. Just make sure that you are logged in. Best regards, Nikola
Louis Van den Bleeken Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola, thanks for your attention. I’m sorry, the original message seems to be conflicted. It doesn’t open, not even when I’m logged in. Seems like I’ve made unintentionally a second account with a small ‘v’ in my name. That’s why. Can you combine both accounts? Or can we take the conversation to this thread? My question was regarding the back end calendar possibilities.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Louis, it’s better to continue within this thread. Can you please give me more details on that topic regarding back end calendar possibilities?

Best regards,

Louis Van den Bleeken Staff answered 6 years ago
For starters, I'm very pleased with the front end. My needs are in the back end of the plugin. The needs are urgent in that matter that the website is done and ready to be launched, but I'm waiting for missing functionallities in the back end.
  1. I'm a startup practice. This means I want to offer a small time frame where people can book within. The larger I make it, the more unwanted free space can fall in between appointments. Let's say, I want people to be able to book between 17:00 and 20:00. Aside, I want to be able to book MYSELF outside this time slot. It is not necessary these extra bookings to synch with front end. On the other hand, emails need to be send as well as the front end made appointments.

  2. When bookings are made front end and confirmed, there is no way (correct me if I'm wrong) to show them in a proper overview back end. I'm in no need for gmail-synchro. I just want a calendar overview right in the plugin's back end. I refer to (second print screen) (code is available for free) as an example. That way, lots of questions seem to be fulfilled: 1) visual overview, 2) at the same time, chronological no matter what appointment was made first, 3) easy to book what I asked for in under topic one, 4) flexible to book an unavailable moment.
So mainly, I ask to implement this code that seems to work into the back end of your plugin, so that a lot of issues can be solved. Easy overview of front end bookings, easy booking on back end right there in the plugin without sync problems, flexible unavailable/breaks booking.

It would help me a lot!!! Thanks, Louis
Louis Van den Bleeken Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Nikola, found the time to look into this? Thx!
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Louis, I will work on calendar overview for the backend. Something similar as this: Calendar overview Best regards, Nikola
Louis Van den Bleeken Staff replied 6 years ago

Would be great! Thank you. Any idea how long it’ll take?

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Louis, just one update on current status of Calendar overview as short code. Listing of appointments is implemented, now the editing part is on the way :) Best regards, Nikola