Not syncing from google to EA

SupportNot syncing from google to EA
Martin Kováč asked 6 years ago
Hi, Iam struggling with sync from google calendar to EA. I am not even sure if i do it right. I simply just create event in calendar i have connected with EA and write inside stuff i want, like mail and type of work and click save. Is that wrong way to do it? I couldnt found any tutorial on this. My second problem is that when i create appointment from website in my calendar is not written anything what person filled in. Can you help? thanks
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Martin, as I see you have two issues here. First one is Sync back from Google Calendar. There everything that you add will be part of custom field called description after sync. Location, Worker and Service in EA will be set by settings (advance sync options). Regarding Sync part from EA to Google Calendar, you can use any way from appointment as part of Subject template. Best regards, Nikola