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Hello, Is it possible to add a feature that could make multi select slots?
Hi, we have new version of Extension plugin 1.2.1 🙂 there were some minor changes regarding warning messages that was…
Hi, can you help me about how to setup 2 way sms appoinment reminder on easy appointment wordpress plugin? I…
Hi, is it possible to use the google calendar extension in one way sync mode? For me, it would be…
Hi ForumThe synchronisation in the Google Calendar works perfectly for me if the Appointments Status is set to Confirmed. However,…
Is there a way to display the name of the person who created the booking in the full calender view…
Hi, EasyAppointments wishes you happy holidays and to have as many Appointments as there can be in 2025 😀 All…
I'm not able to sync created appointments back to EA, and deleting appointments from Google Calendar do not result in…
Hello, I have a problem with the plugin. When I make a reservation the calendar always takes me half an…
Hi 🙂 there is new version of EasyAppointments 3.12.6 with bug fixes for empty appointments list in admin part in…
Hi 🙂 new version is here 3.12.5 with some additional improvements regarding custom form fields. Please update if you had…
Hi 🙂 new version of EasyAppointments is here 3.12.4 with fix for issues during deletion of unwanted custom fields. Also…
Hi, i can't select any of those fields in the appointment form, they show on gray like unavailable, could you…
I am running EA Version 3.12.2. I currently have ~40 appointments scheduled fo next week. When I use the "*Reports…
I added some fields to do some tests and I realized that it is not possible to delete them but…