2 way sync google calendar doesn't work

Support2 way sync google calendar doesn't work
JCH asked 7 years ago
Hello, I have a problem, the plug in offers appointments at busy times, it's as if there was no 2 ways synchronization. The appointment is present in "Appointment" (wp backoffice), it is added in Google Calendar without the information (just the email). How can i add all the fields (name, comments, number ... ) Also how to notify the worker of a cancellation (currently, he receives an email Admin and we cannot differentiate between a confirmation and a cancellation. Thank you for your help
6 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi JCH, for adding additional info inside Google Calendar event from EA you will have to customize template in Extension Google Calendar settings. Regarding sync back from Google Calendar looks like you have issue with WP Cron. Is there any notification regarding that on top of Extension settings page? Have you connected your site with system scheduler on your hosting? You can read more about it on this link: https://easy-appointments.com/documentation/connect-system-scheduler-cron/ Best regards, Nikola
ben_hayot Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Nikola,   Thanks a lot for your quick reply, the sync works fine. I have other little points to solve in the detail section (see the picture) i didn't find how
  • i can remove "MMmmM" ?
  • why there is two h "hh" ?
  • How translate "June", my WP is in French and time set also in french
  • How translate "You can't select this time slot" (pop up  i didn't find it in the plug ins easy appointment and easy connect editing with Loco Translate
Thanks for your help !! Best regards JC
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi JC, best way is to use only date representation with numbers until EA supports translation of months. You can change that on Settings general page within WP Admin part.

Best regards,

ben_hayot Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Nikola,    I have set time on WP to d/m/y and hour to H:i and the double h and MMmmM disappear. I have an oher mistake, please help it's important    Our parameters :  1 unique prestation/ 1 unique worker / Duration 60min / Slot step 30min

For exemple we have 9:00 to 11:00 free and bookable and 11:00 to 15:00 busy and not bookable.
When visitor click on 9:00 no problem, 2 slots of 30 min are booked everithing is OK
But if the visitor click on 10:30 even if the duration is set to 60min and only 30min free time, the plug in permit to book an appointment. Can you help us to resolve this problem please? Thanks Best regard  
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Looks like bug. I will try locally with same settings. Can you please tell me part from 11-15 is created as connection that is set to not working?

Best regards,

ben_hayot Staff replied 7 years ago

two connections are set :

Mon-Fri 9:00 to 18:30 : work : yes
Sat 9:00 to 14:00 : work : yes

The problem appear on every day, not on particular one
Thanks for your reactivity

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Ben, yes it is a bug. It should not allow that time. You can slot step to full hour to match service duration in that case you should not have that issue until new update is available that fill fix that issue. Best regards, Nikola
ben_hayot Staff answered 7 years ago
  Ok Nikola.   I hope it could be resolved quickly because in the meantime I can pass the slot at 1am but it will make "holes" in the planing, particulary each time an appointment in google calendar starts at hh: 30, it marks the entire hour busy. Thank you,  Good luck, can you please keep me informed?

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Ben can you please tell me have you try using slot_step option in Service settings? There you can for example set step to 30 minutes and having service duration for 60 minutes will allow booking at :30 to :30

Best regards,

ben_hayot Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Nikola,
i’m a bit affraid, that’s what i wrote 5 days ago, i use 1 unique prestation/ 1 unique worker / Duration 60min / Slot step 30min parameters.
Did you really understand the problem?
The plug in books an appointment even if it remain 30 min free in the planning and even if the duration is 60 min, it’s a bug.
I can give you an access by mail if you give me yours.
Waiting for your help

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Ben can you please send me the access data to nikolanbg[at]gmail[dot]com? Do you use the latest version of EA 2.3.3?

Best regards,

ben_hayot Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, Thank you for giving me visibility, can this problem be solved soon or considering a refund and use another plug in, we need to move forward, we bought this plug in a month ago for my client, he wait and do not understand, it becomes very urgent now.
Thank you for your understanding
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi I will check again during the day and let you know of te result.

Best regards,

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Have you send the access data?

Best regards,