A few bugs to report

SupportA few bugs to report
Falko Staff asked 8 years ago
Hello Nikola, I'm setting up a new site with your plug-in and I wanted to report some small issues to you. Date and hour recap I get some additional letters after the date and time: "15 July 2017 10 hh 00 MMmmM" The month should be translated as well, but it's still in English EMail vs. E-mail When changing the EMail label to E-Mail I get the following error: ERRORS: {"wp_mail_failed":["You must provide at least one recipient email address."]} This was already reported here in the forums. Appointment table not showing all appointments On the page http://mypage.tld/wp-admin/admin.php?page=easy_app_top_level, the table with created appointments is only showing one appointment with ID#2. Any ideas what is going wrong here? Cheers, Falko
Falko Staff replied 8 years ago

Please ignore my last question in the report above. I applied some filters so that not all appointments were shown… 🙂

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 8 years ago
Hi Falko, thanks for the report. 1. Regarding "15 July 2017 10 hh 00 MMmmM" can you please tell me where that is? Is it on user form? 2. I will add that as well so you can add E-mail. It will be part of new version. That will be done in next day or two. Best regards, Nikola
Falko Staff replied 8 years ago

Hi Nikola,
the additional “MMmmM” appear after the date and hour in the recap which appears when the form is filled out completely:
Vérifier votre rendez-vous ci-après et confirmez :
Lieu CityName
Prestation ServiceName
Praticien Name
Prix 60.00€
Date et horaire 15 July 2017 8 hh 00 MMmmM
Best regards

djanghoo Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi I still have the same issue with French translation regarding the date and hour of the booking in the overview : Ex : Date et horaire | 25 septembre 2018 12 hh 30 MMmmM
Does anyone have managed to solve this problem ?
Thanks !

djanghoo Staff replied 6 years ago

well, if you set “H:i” in hour format in wordpress settings, it solves the problem.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Thanks for the update, I will investigate why there is such issue on French translation.

Best regards,