Add different calendars on different pages

SupportAdd different calendars on different pages
hannes_lorenz Staff asked 7 years ago
Hey, is it possible to insert a calendar for services 1, 2, 3 on one page and one calendar for services 4, 5, 6 on another page? Thank you and best regards,
2 Answers
hannes_lorenz Staff answered 7 years ago
I figured it out. I can make to "invisible" workers named "_worker1" and "_worker2" and include EA with the codes [ea_bootstrap worker="1"] and [ea_bootstrap worker="2"]. Maybe this helps someone else having this issue :)
hannes_lorenz Staff replied 7 years ago

well, the codes aren’t shown here … ea_bootstrap worker=”1″ and ea_bootstrap worker=”2″

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, ok you can't paste shortcode here it will alter the form. Is it all fine now regarding your issue? Best regards, Nikola
hannes_lorenz Staff replied 7 years ago

Yeah, it works 🙂

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

cool, thanks for the info 🙂

Best regards,