add the appointments to my homepage

Supportadd the appointments to my homepage
Jens asked 4 years ago
Hi, Can someone help me out how i can add the calender appointments to my page? i don't see where i can find the code to display it on my website. Thx! Jens
1 Answers
intecontrol Staff answered 4 years ago
you need to put the following shortcode [ea_bootstrap width="800px" scroll_off="true" layout_cols="2" how_remaining_slots="1"] Hopes it helps
intecontrol Staff replied 4 years ago

[ea_bootstrap width="800px" scroll_off="true" layout_cols="2" how_remaining_slots="1"]

magdalena_rodriguez Staff replied 4 years ago

I added this how_remaining_slots=”1″ to my shortcode but nothing changed. Thank you anyway!