add to -or- delete fields – worker / service / location

Supportadd to -or- delete fields – worker / service / location
Scott Cooper asked 5 years ago
We'd like the ability to remove / add to / rename -- the worker / service / location drop downs.  We might want to add extra fields - just extra information  - not going to change available slots. Is that doable? Thanks Scott
codewhiz Staff replied 5 years ago

So it seems like I’m finding out there are additional options needed. We are booking as many as 4 Photographers at once. So although there would be no choice of photographer by the client – we just need up to 4 available at any one time — here is how it works…can you do this?

we need 1 hour appointments, 30 min between appointments.

Business hours Monday -Saturday 9.30 to 6.

9.30 to 11.00 1 photographer working

11.00 to 3.00 4 photographers

3.00 to 6.00 3 photographers

1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Scott can please tell me what type of data are you planning to collect. You can also have custom fields in Information section. Best regards, Nikola
codewhiz Staff replied 5 years ago

We want the site visitor to pick any available hour long time available within hour work hours.We might also want to collect other information — but those extra fields wont affect what appointments are available. We might want their name / their phone number / the property address / and a message box for whatever notes they want to provide