Allow bookings for logged in users only

SupportAllow bookings for logged in users only
Karol Krajcir asked 7 years ago
First of all, thanks for this great plugin! The only thing is, I would like to be able to restrict or minimise the number of appointments made by children or \"less reliable\" people by having them to register or log in first. Now I have the register and login functionality implemented, it\'s just I would love to be able to \"insert it\" in the middle of EA functionality. So that everyone (both logged in users and guests) will be able to access the reservation page and see the current availability, but only logged in users will actually be able to make a booking thereafter. In other words, when user goes to the reservation page, only the first part (availability) will be displayed. When user clicks on a certain day and time, it will first check if that user is logged in and based on that either display the booking form or registration/login form.  However, I haven\'t found any suitable hooks for this. Would this be possible and if so, where in the code should I implement this? What other options would I have? I am pretty sure someone else must have thought about restricting the part of this plugin to the logged in users only. As a last resort (if not too complicated), could this be implemented as an official feature?   Thanks a lot! Kind regards
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Karol, there is no callback atm for that. You want to prevent submit for non logged users. Everything will be the same for both groups except message that will show for non logged users? Or you want to show only calendar without form to fill? Best regards, Nikola
puk789 Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi Nikola, the latter is exactly what I had in mind! The calendar would always show. However, the booking form would only be accessible to logged in users.

So that everyone can quickly check availability but only logged in users can actually make a booking. Thank you!

puk789 Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Nikola, the latter is exactly what I had in mind! The calendar would always show. However, the booking form would only be accessible to logged in users. So that everyone can quickly check availability but only logged in users can actually make a booking. Thank you!
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi I have one question regarding that option, are you willing to invest some money for such feature just to speed up things because the feature request list now is just to long?

Best regards,