App Isn't Verified Error

SupportApp Isn't Verified Error
james_stuart Staff asked 6 years ago
When trying to verify token I get this error (pasted below). The video instructions no longer match up perfectly like they did and after trying every variation I can think of the app won't connect to any of the calendars. Please provide guidance on how to work with Google's new verification. It appears others are having the same issue in the forum. Here is the error: This app isn't verified This app hasn't been verified by Google yet. Only proceed if you know and trust the developer. If you’re the developer, submit a verification request to remove this screen. Learn more
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi James, were you able to proceed on that screen? Can you please share a screen shot of that . I have just checked everything and looks like a lot has change from Google side. Now they require mode data for setup. Best regards, Nikola
james_stuart Staff answered 6 years ago
Yes their are definitely changes with Google. Here's a screenshot: