Appointment can't be confirmed!

SupportAppointment can't be confirmed!
Maik asked 4 years ago
Hey. When I get the mail for the a appointment and want to confirm the bookingw ith the link down below, the page just load with an error: "Appointment can't be confirmed!"

Any idea how to fix this or see any error log?
3 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Mail, can you please tell me what is the current status of that appointment before you try to confirm it? You can only confirm appointments that are pending. Best regards, Nikola
Maik Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Nikola. It´s the "reservation" status. So I can´t confirm reservations, just pending appointments you wrote? Why is there a link in the admin-mail to confirm the appointment? Thanks
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
This will be fixed today in new release. If default status is reservation then click on link will confirm it. Best regards, Nikola