Appointment created in GC are correctly recorded in EA back-office but still "available" on front office

SupportAppointment created in GC are correctly recorded in EA back-office but still "available" on front office
Luli asked 7 years ago
Hi Nikola, I created appointment in Google Calendar : it's ok, I see its few minutes after in the Back office of Wordpress, with a ID and Location/Service selected by default in the Google Plugin options. My cron is therefore ok and the 2 ways sync seems ok ! But, the problem is that the slot is still available on the form in front-office. I waited more 1 hour : still available...
Finally, I decided to "edit" the appointment created by Google Calendar directly IN the back office (I just change a word in the description). Immediately, the slot became unavailable in front office ! (?) => It means that appointments created in Google Calendar need to be edit one by one in the back office if Iwant to disable the slot in front office. It's a bug ? To be honest, I would like to disable the lunch time. It's impossible to make a break in the plugin so I created the slots in Google Calendar. I see the Appointments in the Plugin but still available in the form in front office... If I want to disable it, I have to edit each lunch time, each day...  
7 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi Luli, that should not be the case. There must be changed something else also. Can you tell me how many services / locations / workers do you have? Best regards, Nikola
luli Staff answered 7 years ago
I have 2 locations, 3 services, 2 workers. I created each connections for each worker (3 services/location).
Each worker shares his google calendar with the main account. The 2 ways sync are ok for the 2 workers. The problem is just on the front office
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Can you please try again but this time watch for time on google calendar. Most likely you have changed duration while changing the description. Also do you have un-checked option called Multiple Work on EA Settings > Customize? Best regards, Nikola
luli Staff answered 7 years ago
Also do you have un-checked option called Multiple Work on EA Settings > Customize? => Yes I have, and it's unchecked. I created an appointment especially for you in Google Calendar on 29th mach 10:00 ;-) It's ok in the back office : But not in front, the slot is still available
luli Staff answered 7 years ago
I think I identified the bug  ! (but no how to solve it) : The appointment created in GC and sync in the back office has not end for the date whereas there is a end for the date in the appointment created by the form on front office. Look at the screenshot :
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Luli, do you use latest version of Extension plugin 0.9.5? If you don't have latest version please update. That end time was added not so long time ago. Best regards, Nikola
luli Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola
yes, the plugin was not updated… However, I bought it yesterday so the link to download it in email wasn’t updated, and I didn’t had alert in the back office about a new version…
Anyway, I found the 0.9.5 and now it works, I’m so happy, your plugin is great ! 🙂

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
You're welcome :) Best regards, Nikola