Appointment length

SupportAppointment length
teresa_meek Staff asked 7 years ago
I run a consulting business. I just found this plugin and purchased the extension plugin for it. I have clients that need different amounts of time. One client may need a 1 hr appointment and the next a 2 hour or a 2.5 hour. If I create services for 30 min, 1 hr, 1.5 hr, 2 hr, etc, if the client chooses a 1.5 hour appt, as of now the time slots only give a start time of 9a, 10:30, 12p, etc. I would like to have them be able to say they want to start at 10a for XX hrs. How can I set this up?
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, have you tried to create connection for that at 10a also? I am working on multiple selection so you can create smaller Appointments but connect those into bigger appointments. Best regards, Nikola
teresa_meek Staff answered 6 years ago
I have all of the "services" setup with the incremental connections. I have 30min setup for 9a, 9:30a. I have 1hr setup for 9a, 9:30a. I have 1.5hr setup for 9a,9:30a,10a. I have 2hr setup for 9a, 9:30a, 10a, 10:30a, etc. All of them seem to be working correctly EXCEPT the 30 minute appointment. This is the website where the calendar is installed: I am getting ready for a work week April 3-6. I already have one 3 hr appt setup on Apr3 at 9a and all services show the time blocked from 9a-12p except the 30min service which shows all blocks available. What now?
teresa_meek Staff replied 6 years ago

I am also having issues with Google sending appointments TO EC. If I put in an appointment directly in Google, shouldn’t it create an appointment in the back end automatically?

teresa_meek Staff replied 6 years ago

Solved the Google to backend issue by setting a default service.

teresa_meek Staff replied 6 years ago

OK, I don’t understand why, but I deleted the service connection for 9:30a and it now seems to be working to block the time slots booked by the 3 hr appointment. I wish I could set my work hours by the day, because now I think I need to make the end time availability for my longer appointments to earlier so I can be done by 6p.
When do you think you will have the multiple selections routine ready? That would really slimline this process. I work out of town 1 week each month and as of now, I have to go in to each connection and change the availability dates each month for each connection, so that right now is 36 connections.