Appointment lots going Missing

SupportAppointment lots going Missing
Alex H Staff asked 4 years ago
We have a total of 22 slots – 15:100 to 16:45 at 5 minute intervals.
On the live website we have 12 slots books: 15:00, 15:05, 15:10, 15:15, 15:20, 15:30, 15:45, 16:00, 16:15, 16:20, 16:30, 16:35, 16:45
The website is showing 5 slots still available: 15:35, 15:50, 16:05
Therefore we are missing the slots for: 15:25, 15:40, 15:55, 16:10, 16:25, 16:40
I have no idea why these are not being displayed, but need to get them back quickly so that people can book them
Have you any ideas please?
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 4 years ago
Hi Alex, best way is to check in EA Reports > Time overview report what is booked. There you should see how many free slots there are. Best regards, Nikola