Appointments duplicating

SupportAppointments duplicating
Lauren Neuper asked 6 years ago
Hi, I have synced my Google Calendar with the Easy Appointments plugin. But, when I make appointments in my Google Calendar, they keep duplicating with No Name cells. Please see an example here >> What can I do to stop this?
10 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Lauren, is there anything specific about that event? I will suggest to delete all events and add it again. Best regards, Nikola
Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

There is nothing specific or different about the events when I add them. It’s is all new events that I create that start duplicating. When I delete the event and add it again, it seems to stop duplicating.

Is there a more permanent solution for this, because it is for my clients website.

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago

Can you please turn logging on for all levels and paste it here as private thread. I am not sure why it's doing that.

Best regards,

Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

How do I do that?

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

inside Google Calendar settings in Extension Admin page you have at bottom option to change logging level and button to download log file.

Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

So must I paste the sync log file in this thread?

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

please open private thread and paste just last part from that log file.

Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola.

I have created a private thread. Please confirm that you have seen it. Thanks

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Yes I have seen it. 🙂

Best regards,

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Lauren,   can you please check if customer email is the same as workers one in that Appointment?   Best regards, Nikola
Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola.

Yes, the customer and workers email is the same.

Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

Oh sorry, it was different.

For Easy Appointments >> Settings >> Workers the email for the worker was different to the google calendar email. Must it be the same?

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Nope in that case no. Having same emails make that issue.

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Lauren, reason for duplicates is simple. When you have same email on both places it will create one Appointment for worker and one as Person that is invited to Event in primary Calendar of that user. That second event is created by Google and EA after sync is pulling that one because it is new. That is how sync loop is created.   Best regards, nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Lauren,   do you still have those issues? Same thing can happen if you use email from one worker to be as customer to another worker. It will create loop as well.   Best regards, Nikola
Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola.

So far it seems like the problem is fixed 🙂
But, I’m going to keep checking today, because sometimes it is delayed.

Thank you for your help!

Lauren Neuper Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Nikola My appointments are still duplicating. The workers email address and google calendar email are different now. 
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Lauren, can you please create a temp access for admin part?

Best regards,

Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

How do I do that?

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Create user and send me access data to nikolanbg[at]gmail[dot]com

Best regards,

Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola. I have sent you admin access to the website.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Thanks I will take a look during the day and let you know what was the issue.

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Lauren, I have take a look and Looks like cron is not connected with system scheduler on your hosting. Do you have Cron Jobs settings there or CPanel? Here is short tutorial on that one. Best regards, Nikola
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

If you want I can assist you with that.

Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola,

Please can you help me with this.

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Lauren, do you have CPanel there on that hosting? You can send me details on email address shared in couple of post above.

Best regards,

Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola. I sent you logins a while ago, but haven’t heard from you. Is the cronjob created?

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Lauren, can you please resend access data and I will set it up during the day. Sorry for waiting 🙁

Best regards,

Lauren Neuper Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Nikola. Must I email you the login details? Is this address still fine? nikolanbg[at]gmail[dot]com

will_eggers Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Nikola & Lauren, have you managed to figure this one out? I'm having the same problem. All email addresses "Admin", "Worker" and Email used for the client booking are all unique. Be good to figure out how to stop the duplication. Also having issues where cancelled appointments are not being removed by sync. EG: Cancel in google calendar and it stays in EA, cancel in EA and it stays in google. Creation of an appointment is not a problem.
will_eggers Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Nikola, it looks like all the problems with Sync'n and Duplicating appointments on my system were coming from the missing ea_connect_links table in the database. I tried reinstalling multiple times and even tried taking out the code from your installation files and running it as a custom single run plugin. It seems that the section that is intended to create the table doesn't work. I created the table manually using the code as a guide as to what columns to create and how to format it. It now seems to be working.
Nikola Loncar Staff replied 6 years ago

Hi Will, thanks for the update I will check that right away.

Best regards,

Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Will you were right. There will be new update during the day. Best regards, Nikola