authorize your Google account

Supportauthorize your Google account
Consuelo_Daza Bertrand Staff asked 7 years ago
I have followed the steps that you explain in the video to create the API for the boiler and the authorized client. admin account is gmail I get Client ID and Client secret I save the data I push the button Authorize (Please authorize with your Google account in order to get access to adding appointments to your Google calendar.) Google answers: 401. That’s an error. Error: invalid_client The OAuth client was not found. I went over the instructions and repeated all the steps: I can't find the error.
I need you to guide me, because I'm blocked and I'm not moving forward. The original installation is multi-site but I also tested it in a single installation and the error persists. I am very much urged ¡Muchas gracias! Un saludo, Consuelo Daza
Consuelo_Daza Bertrand Staff replied 7 years ago

I hope you’re all right.
Do you have any suggestions to solve this problem?

Un saludo,
Consuelo Daza

2 Answers
Consuelo_Daza Bertrand Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, Nikola, I made a new installation, without multisite, to check if the error problem was that must necessarily be installed in a Sudirecctory of the initial domain when I create the calendar API, apparently it goes well, if I set as url to redirect, the initial domain and in the account authorization, allow me to select it correctly but when I try to add calendar, it gives me the following error: Add Calendar to sync   Please check your token!   if in the url to redirect in the API, if I add the subdirectory, when I try to authorize the account, it gives an url error     please!, I need a lot of help   gracias! Consuelo Daza
Consuelo_Daza Bertrand Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi, Nikola,   I have installed the WP and EA in a subdomain and now it works.
subdomains. domain. com   gracias! Un saludo, Consuelo