Auto-filling the Name Field in EasyAppointments

SupportCategory: QuestionsAuto-filling the Name Field in EasyAppointments
franz_gross Staff asked 1 month ago
  Dear EasyAppointments Support Team, I am using your EasyAppointments plugin on our website and would like to automatically prefill the name and email fields when a customer accesses the booking page.

What already works:

✔️ The email field is successfully prefilled, as it is an <input> field.
❌ The name field, however, does not get populated, as it does not appear to be an <input> field.

Our questions:

  1. How can we programmatically set the value of the name field?
    • Is there a specific JavaScript method or event to insert the name into the form?
    • Since document.querySelector('input[name="name"]') does not find the field, what is the correct way to reference it?
  2. Is there an EasyAppointments API or hook that allows us to prefill the name field?
    • We tested the easyappnewappointment event, but the name field does not update.
  3. What is the exact class, ID, or method we should use to find and set the name field?
We would greatly appreciate a short technical guide or an example script on how to properly prefill the name field. Thank you for your support! Best regards,
1 Answers
Easy Appointment Staff answered 1 month ago
Hi,  I have checked and both the field name && Email are prefilling, can you please share a video from your end? which shortcode you are using? Thanks.
franz_gross Staff replied 1 month ago

Yes, both fields are prefilled with previous content, which is the issue. I want to override them with information provided by the calling URL. While I can overwrite the email address, the name field retains the old name instead of the new one I input. How can I insert the correct information into these fields?

Easy Appointment Staff replied 1 month ago

Sorry for the delay,
Please raise a ticket via or, we will help you out from there.