Auto reservation – the form is locked so unable to enter customer details after the timeslot selection
Hi Nikola,
Thank you for your timely reply.
Please can you clarify the exact expected behaviour of "Auto reservation"?
When an anonymous user selects a timeslot does EA automatically block the timeslot locally and on GCal for a period of 5 minutes until the booking is made. If no booking is made EA unblocks the timeslot on EA/GCal. Is that correct?
Here are the steps taken. Auto reservation still seems problematic:
I logged into WP-Admin-->Easy Appointments-->General-->Ticked Auto reservation
I cleared the cache in Chrome
Click on padlock --> Site Settings --> Clear Data (I also tried Chrome TRS Hamburger --> Settings --> Privacy and security --> Clear browsing data)
I closed the browser.
I am using a Cloudflared Tunnel for my WP instance running in my home: --> Login --> Click on Domain --> Purge cache --> Purge everything (wait 10 mins? for purge to propagate)
Browse to (Appointment booking page)
There is a spinning wheel of death over the calendar so I cannot do anything.
I logged into WP-Admin-->Easy Appointments-->General-->Unticked Auto reservation-->Save-->Tick Auto reservation-->Save
I am able to select a timeslot but not fill in my details.
I also noticed that the "Block Before" = 5 was not respected because I could select the first slot after my last appointment (synced from GCal - non EA).
From the browser where I am logged in I can select the timeslot but not fill in any details.
From a browser where I am not logged. Not OK (Spinning wheel of death)
I am unable to use the "Auto reservation" functionality.
I have tested another site on a static public IP without using the Cloudflare tunnel. This has overcome the difficulty of not being able to fill in details if not logged in. Presumably, this is a problem with caching on Cloudflare.
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