Automatic Reminder Email before the appointment

SupportAutomatic Reminder Email before the appointment
Andrea asked 5 years ago
Hi Nikola, 
I know that this topic has been already discussed but I cannot find whether there's the intention to implement it or not. 

Many other appointment plugins have this useful option to send to the customer a reminder email (that can be customiser by the worker), 1 day or x hours before the appointment. 
Do you foresee to implement something like this?
I think it would be extremely useful.
People tend to forget. 
PS: Some people don't know how to use Phone's calendar and ICS files. For them it would be more direct just receiving ad email reminding them the appointment.
Thanks for the great work. 
1 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 5 years ago
Hi Andrea, there is a plan to improve email part of plugin. Reminder is one part of it. Don't know if you have seen fullcalendar event preview template in settings. We are planning to add support for full template engine to email templates. So you will be able to have custom email based on any data provided from event. Best regards, Nikola