Blank page after authorize GG account

SupportBlank page after authorize GG account
luli Staff asked 7 years ago
Hi I tested EA connect during 1 month and everything worked with my GG account linked with 2 others GG calendars. I decided to change my GG account to link with 2 real google agendas. I deleted EA plugin and EA connect. I deleted all tables "_ea_" in my sql database to be sure to have a "clean" installation, without old appointments, locations, etc. I resinstall EA plugin, EA connect and I ask for ID client OAuth/secret with my new GG account. I filled the fields in EA. The issue : when I click on "authorize", Google opens a windows, I choose my new GG account and when I click to confirm "authorize" I have a white page. Is there somewhere something from my old installation that can block the authorization ?
luli Staff replied 7 years ago

ok sorry I closed the question. It seemed there was a problem with Firefox. When I tried the same within Chrome, it worked ! (?)

Nikola Loncar Staff replied 7 years ago

Weird, it should work on both browsers. I will check.

Best regards,