Blocking a certain time between two slots

SupportBlocking a certain time between two slots
klaus_arends Staff asked 6 years ago
How can I block a certain period between two appointments? Example: A block is 60 min. The first available date is 10am, the last 6pm. I would like to block a period of 30 minutes between the sessions. First Booked Session 10am, next possible time 11:30 am How can I do this?   Regards Klaus
2 Answers
Nikola Loncar Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Klaus, you want to add buffer time if someone book at 10 till 11 so you would like for next slot to be starting from 11:30? Best regards, Nikola
klaus_arends Staff answered 6 years ago
Yes exactly...
i could extend the slot itself in order to fix the issue, but i want to avoid confusion for the client, who may think that his session may 90 minutes instead of 60.
It would be cool if i could choose in the backend a variable (blocked) time between the bookable seesions.